Programs & Services

Foster Parent Program

Our mission is to protect, aid and heal children by strengthening families through the provision of traditions, ceremonies, and culturally relevant services.

The Primary Goal of Foster Care is:
To provide children with a temporary, safe, and stable home; while our protection unit works with the birth family to strengthen and reunite them.
There are different types of foster care placements including; short term, emergency, respite or long term placements. The child’s needs will dictate the type of placement needed.
Our plan is to work with you to determine your interest and abilities to foster. You can apply to foster, whether you’re a single parent or a two parent home.

Specific Requirements: Each prospective foster parent must:attend 30 hours of training. [see foster home worker or family services supervisor for more details]Submit a Criminal Record Check [all residents of the home 18 years of age and over must submit a Criminal Record Check] Submit a Medical Report from your family physician. Submit 5 references. An Automated Client index will be conducted through the Ministry of SocialServices.

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